
First, I guess it’s fitting that I had already written this post. That’s right, it’s a redo — and we’ll just call this a not-oft-seen second draft . . . or something.  Composed, edited and sitting on a pen drive that I have now . . . misplaced.  My black book, and coming clean . . . a small day-planner (maybe 5×8) stuffed with two small spiral notepads – each nearly filled with thoughts . . . .  In it also, a tearing set of side pockets containing three disk drives.

These drives contained *all* of Building Moxie’s posts, business planning, photos and videos.  And well, a gnome of unconscious hurriedness — half man, half head-up-the-arse — snuck up and stole it from me less than twenty-four hours before another trip to New York City.  This trip sponsored by American Standard (on Amazon).  And fitting, I say. On my most previous trip and while only a footnote – I misplaced my camera for a matter of an hour . . . or OK, maybe twelve. I guess New York City does that to me, bright lights big city; it spawns momentary lapses and inspired resets.


Recapping Our Hall Bath Redo

Now, with that lead-in behind, and rather than talking more about being invited to tour American Standard‘s New Design Center, I am going to prep for those posts by talking first about some of the elements of our recent hall bath reno.  A 5×8 room (you know the one maybe) framed up and plumbed in the 20th century.

And as I thought of how I could communicate our project to you, I decided it would be the perfect opportunity to do the world’s first After/Before post (independently verified).  I mean — it’s not like I’m a lazy designer (OK, a little . . . and I think this is the first time that I have ever referred to myself as a designer), but I do like things natural and easy.  So when my wife and I began discussing what we wanted for “the girls bath” — it didn’t take long to realize that all we had to do was look at what we already had.

I write about this bath in these essays >> My Life’s a Home Project & Life of a Princessitect.

So looking at American Standard (or “Standard” as they appear in the photos later), we figured, just made sense.

American Standard Brands

American Standard Brands‘ umbrella has grown to include the likes of Jado, and as you see in these pics, Porcher (others, too) . . . and please disregard the lack of finishing touches.  I had to redo the baseboard heat, and sand and rehang the door (*ahem* other man).  No shower curtain or rod (even) was hung when these pictures were taken.  And you may notice too the lack of bath accessories (purchased, not installed), and hey, I have my hands full with the still just breaking outdoor-working season.  And yes, it does take a lot of work for a little bath . . . .

The “Standard” fixtures (labeled that way until 1967, I believe) were installed and I will assume were original to this bathroom. A stamp on the rear of the toilet tank indicated April 7th, 1931, and I must also assume the cast iron tub and “square” top pedestal, with that toilet — its distinct elongated collar . . . were installed at the same time.  For me — it was classic, and a little hard to part with (though that toilet, in fact, was a water guzzler).

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The Point

Sometimes you need to look no further than what you already have, for inspiration.  I mean – I would imagine that what you already have probably suits your style . . . a bit already — doesn’t it? (Ummmm, doesn’t it?)  But you have decided that you just need to tweak it a little and do some . . . editing and updating.  And this is how remodeling goes sometimes.


Thanks for reading … more soon from Building Moxie :: The Do Together Daily where days become weeks, weeks . . . months, months . . . and so on. jb. Out!