aka . . . My Brown Coat in this Black Coat Town . . . OR . . . All the Fat Sexy

Empire State Building New York City shot on my Windows PhoneAs I mentioned, the faucet manufacturer Brizo invited me on an all-expense-paid trip to New York City.  By itself, swank, huh? Yeah . . . Forrrrrr Sure!

I mean — the City that Never Sleeps, The Big Apple, If I Can Make it There, I Can . . . New York, New York.  It is our nation’s mecca, for near everything that is everything.  It is a world in microcosm.  And twice a year it hosts Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week.  (You probably know it, like I do, from the show Project Runway.)

So picture this: High-end faucets, Fashion Week, and a guy named Jason Wu. Oh, and me . . . jb . . . together just last week.  I could hardly believe it myself.


Jason Wu Fashion and Faucets on Brizo.com. . . “But jb! If anything, aren’t you a little (*monster truck voice*) ANTI-Fashion???????!!!!!!!!”

“Ahhhh . . . Yay!” (Well kind of.)  And anyway . . .

Fashion . . .  Faucets . . . and *scratching head*.  In fact, I think that was the initial prevailing thought for many in attendance — the event, Brizo’s Fashion Week (that’s #BrizoFW for short).

“Who’s Brizo?” You might ask.  Well, Brizo was born as Delta Faucets’ high-line brand.  I had known them personally for their designs from the time I selected one for our powder room project.

Still . . . you may have questions; you’re saying, “But I’m confused; WHAT do faucets have anything to do with fashion?!”  Well . . . and just as the Brizo brand folks would put it — let me ask you this . . . Just why can’t faucets be fashionable?

Hmmm . . . well . . . and . . . *again scratching head*.  But wait, it was a rhetorical question: Brizo faucets are fashionable, and let’s just settle that there.  I mean — if you saw some of the prototypes that we saw . . . one in particular; it can only be described in one word — “Fat Sexy!”  (<< Translation = Fashionable, and then there’s a period!)


Jason Wu Show Fall 2011 Black Gown image by Jayme Thorton

I mean — women are sexy.  And I guess . . .  if I think about it, so too is women’s fashion.  But before I digress, let’s say — fashion is a statement of self, how we project ourselves . . . our car, the nightspots we visit, the places we dine, and yes . . . of course, our choices in home products.  Fashion is the end product of design (maybe), and not just limited to the clothes we wear.

New York Times Fashion page 20110212And . . . me . . . so not fashionable (or sexy for that matter), a brown-coat guy (and a beat up pick-up) in the original black-coat town.

I did question it (several times).  So. just. how. then. did I end up here/there?

I was there partially because Jody Brown (@InFillNC) a past attendee recommended me (yep, next born).

I was there too possibly because I have a blog, which, well, delves into elements of design . . . sometimes.  We, together, design bloggers, and it was a loosely applied moniker.  We were immersed in three days of Faucets, Fashion and Fun << and it was all just as advertised.

Jason Wu Pre Show Fall 2011 image by Jayme ThortonThe crown jewel of the event, if you haven’t figured, was an invitation to an exclusive show with fashion designer Jason Wu.  Yeah, I didn’t know him either.  But it turns out, he’s a pretty big deal.  In fact, it really became clear the following day as I read the Fashion section of the New York Times; Wu had the lead position in that story.

And I’ll admit it, and even before I saw the story, I would have told you — the fashion show was “cool.”  I liked it.  I was amazed, as my mind boggled, over all the elements that must’ve gone into this 10-or-so-minute production.  It was certainly a-once-in-a-lifetime experience, or at least for me.

But glamorous as it all sounds, it wasn’t all cocktail parties and limo rides (maybe you have seen some of the pics floating around).  Let’s call it instead a working vaca.  This diverse group came together, 19 of us, to learn about Brizo’s design process and their recent product innovations (more on that in a future post) and we were introduced to a concept called Biomimicry (and yes, more on that in a future post).

There was even enough time to play Design Star — participating in a friendly design competition that was intended to draw upon elements of what we learned from a day of intensive product sessions.


Biomimicry Design Project for Brizo Fashion Week

I mean – moodboards? Again . . . How did I get there/here?

Our super talented team consisted of seasoned pros Leslie Fine and Jonathon Legate (fortunately) . . . and me . . . a “remodeling expert” (my tongue in my cheek) turned humble design blogger. How Nature Bathes :: A Blank MoodBoard at Brizo Fashion Week I mean — how did I get here?

And this is the answer that came to me: it was found innocently enough in our project’s title — Bershert — a Yiddish word that means “Destiny”, “Fate”, or simply “Meant to be.”  And it was . . .

So I landed with this group of great people — likely lasting friends.  I learned a lot, we did some things, I received some good tips on how to pose for the camera (yeah, I’m still working on that), and we even talked about earthworms. Earthworms! (*ahem* Jonathan) . . . I mean — but more on that all . . . maybe . . . in a future post . . .

and . . . me . . . this brown-coat guy looking just that much better today . . . for the experience.


A big BMoxie shout to Brizo (including the MSL Group) and Jason Wu. Thank you all for having me! And to you, thanks for reading. jb

Most All Photo Creds to Jayme Thorton.

Jason Wu Show Fall 2011 image by Jayme Thorton


33 thoughts on “Building Moxie Archive: Building Moxie Does Fashion Week (with Brizo Faucets and Jason Wu)

  1. Such a cool trip indeed! And…someone needs to wear the brown coat, right? Why not let it be you? I’m sooo jealous! I’ve always wanted to go to NYC, but never made it yet, save a drive somewhat close on the highway and that one time we drove down the center lost :)

  2. Fun, JB! All kinds of cryptic little hints in this particular post, but I’m really happy for your star turn. Can’t wait to hear more about your upcoming working vacations, and looking forward to learning more about Brizo fashion.

  3. In New York it is OK to wear a black tie while sporting a black eye. Besides, big buildings are still four walls with a million partitions that are home to someone so BMoxie belongs. Sounds like a great adventure.

  4. There are so many things that go on in New York that just make you want to pinch yourself. What a fun, exciting treat of a trip, and a great way to “fill the well.” Thanks for letting us live vicariously though you, JB! (And, I’ll tell you what; it sure makes me want to check out Brizo Faucets a little more closely.)

  5. Tammy — thanks for your comment. It had been nearly 20 years since I made it up to NYC and you’re right — tough not to feel totally energized and new. << special shouts to @Florida_Design & @theDecorista. And I mean it -- they are certainly doing some cool things with their SmartTouch technology & MagneDock (Great applications for installers too) gonna cover that in my next post. it was really hard not to get totally amped about some of the designs they still have in process. I mean -- if they don't floor you - you can have your money back. Biomimicry too -- I think you would've been totally down with it. Brizo has sent me the book by the same name -- and I will gladly pass it on to you when I'm thru...Just so many things to talk about...but I'll stop there. Talk more soon my friend. jb

  6. down the center lost? and yes — I was very very fortunate to be included…I just wish I would have spent a little more time focused on what I bring to the table as opposed to “whether I fit in.” Again it reaffirmed for me that there are good people almost invariably behind these internet handles… Met some incredibly supportive folks and they know who they are.

    Thanks Am. for the comment.

  7. Next post dedicated to the faucets…I promise. and me too….I could do stuff like this a handful of times a year… Fooorrrr Sure! Thanks Leah.

  8. *snicker* yep… Brizo is partnered with Jason Wu and it has been advantageous for both….some designs like the RSVP << very womanly in form... actually it very cool to learn how faucet designers get their inspiration -- more on this hopefully in the next post. thanks A.

  9. Hey Builder Link it was good fun for sure. and truth is — there is no way *I* will look at faucets in the same way…

    On a side note: if you would like to have your image appear — go to gravatar.com and upload an image for this email address.

    thanks again … jb

  10. for sure! The presenter: Sean Culman, an architect and a member of the 19 himself, is big on http://www.asknature.org — fun little site that is growing. It is here that I read a fun little article on how earthworms clean themselves as they move thru the soil << go figure. It did not make the final cut for our design challenge presentation. next time maybe. Thanks John!

  11. Your blog post brings it all back home to me. I’m not sure about the others, but I also kept asking myself the question ‘Why Me?’. Although I never quite figured it out, I can say that regardless of the answer, I had the time of my life and soaked in every single second.

    Meeting you was a real and genuine experience and look forward to the next time!

  12. *bow* (that’s been my move today.) I’ll admit I got a little too caught up in it myself, the “why me?” I mean — I just freeze up

    sometimes when I’m around extremely talented people . . . need to cut myself a little break . . . and just go with the flow. Ah . . . next time — and there most certainly will be next times.

    Thanks for your comment Michelle.

    On a side note: if you would like to have your image appear next to your comment you can go to gravatar.com and upload an image for this email address. << need to add that as a disclaimer somewhere. out. ~jb

  13. this time I’ll start with the disclaimer — if you would like to have your image appear next to your comment you can go to gravatar.com and upload an image for this email address.

    Now — you know — it was truly a pleasure and what can I say — you’re a dazzler my friend. One of the highlights of the trip. And I am looking at this as a beginning. strength in numbers, power to the people *bow* and #nestnestnest.

    Thank you for the comment Tamara. and a happy Friday. jb

  14. Someone has to bring your fun personality to NY. And if someone else tried to, they’d only be second best. So it makes sense for YOU to bring you. You don’t have to be a designer to have a successful blog that includes great designs, right? I mean, I’m not friendly and I have great friends! ahahaha. Just kidding – I have no friends. No, wait, I digress. I mean, I am friendly (can you tell that I’m now channeling your inimitable style)?
    I’m glad you went. I just wish you’d post some damn pictures of you in that brown coat. PS I have a gravatar!

  15. whooo. . . you’re a hoot — and I *am* feeling a little feisty today. “inimitable style” — I could . . . and I know I know, but I’m telling you — Nick is the fun one. I was actually a little bit of a dork on this trip . . . ask around. But still. . . #lovelovelove.

    At this point (thanks to Carmen from @Time2Design) there is a buttload of pics on my personal facebook page… take 2 of those and call me in the morning.

    xo sis xo jb

  16. Thanks for the shout out JB! Great write up…I love seeing everyone’s different post and thoughts about the week. Keep up the good work my man..Happy Friday to ya!

  17. Thanks for the comment my brother man… you guys know Tammy D. above? she’s out of Fort Lauderdale.. just saying. great weekend to you both.

  18. jb – excellent piece! You are an inspiration to me…all your hard work, innovative writing and construction savvy deserved to be chosen for the wild adventure at fashion week!!! Keep it going – I look forward to the next entry. xo Joan

  19. thank you Joan… next entry likely on faucets. battling thru homeowner headaches this weekend so faucets yes faucets. Look for a guest appearance by another JB in the near future. have a great week.

  20. surely and aww shucks Decor Girl, that means a lot. Thank you for dropping by. Hope to see you back again soon. ~jb

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